
Participants of the MT-28 Conference will have the opportunity to submit their papers to a special issue of the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (Impact Factor > 1.9)

  • Manuscript submission site (opening September 19, 2023 – submission deadline September 26, 2023)
  • Useful information, please read before submitting a manuscript

Manuscript submission site NOW OPEN:

An email with submission and login information was sent on September 19 to presenting authors of papers presented at MT28. The paper can only be submitted by the author who received the email notification.

Guidelines to submit manuscripts to the MT-28 Special Issue of IEEE TAS

MT28 offers the opportunity to publish selected, peer-reviewed papers submitted by conference attendees in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS), an archival, peer-reviewed, fully indexed and searchable journal published by the IEEE Council on Superconductivity. The publication process allows final manuscripts to be available on IEEE Xplore on average 90 days after submission, and most, if not all, accepted manuscripts will be available for download and citation well in advance of the scheduled August 2024 release of the entire Special Issue (vol. 34, no 5).

Manuscript Submission Site Opens

The manuscript submission site is scheduled to open for submission on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. An email will be sent to the registrant with submission and login information. The registrant will become the corresponding author of the manuscript submission and peer review process.

If another author should be designated as the contact author, please send an email to the MT28 Editorial Office at and provide your presentation ID, the presentation title, the new author name and email address. *Note, when submitting the paper, the unique registration associated with the presentation/paper will be used to validate the submission.

Manuscript Submission Deadline

11:59 p.m. EST, Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Please note the time zone. This deadline is firm.

Re-publication/Content Similarity

Articles will be automatically checked for plagiarism and re-publication of material using electronic databases, including other submissions to the same conference, and those submitted to EUCAS-2023. Severe cases could result in rejection of a manuscript and may trigger other punitive actions by IEEE. The most common mistake by authors is cutting and pasting from previous versions of manuscripts describing earlier stages of the same work with or without properly giving attribution to the previous work and clarifying why the re-use of material is necessary. In case the duplication is with a paper submitted to EUCAS-2023, the submitting author will be contacted to choose in which special issue the paper is to be published; duplication between the two conferences will not be allowed. Additional information can be found here:

Presentation is a Requirement for Publication!

Authors presenting at MT28 are not required to submit a manuscript. For authors that choose to submit a manuscript, only subject matter presented at MT28 will be considered for publication. This includes presentations in oral or poster format. The presentation should be given at the appointed time in the program, by the designated presenter. For posters, presentation means that an author is available during the duration of the poster session to discuss the work and answer questions. Posting of the pages of the manuscript does not constitute presentation. Changes to the program, which have been approved by the MT28 Program Committee, will be allowed for submitted manuscripts.

An abstract accepted for presentation at MT28 may not lead to a published paper in the TAS Special Issue. The Scope of TAS is described here.

Manuscript Template

You can retrieve the current TAS MT-28 Special Issue manuscript template in Word format here.

LaTeX Users click here for template and instructions.
When using the LaTeX template, please remove the biography section before submitting your paper to the special issue peer review website.

NOTE: If using the TAS regular issue template, please remove the biography section before submitting your paper to the special issue peer review website. Re-use of old templates will be automatically detected and may force mandatory major revisions to comply with the approved template.

Some Key Facts you need to know before submitting a manuscript, please read (PDF)

Included in this Key-Fact-PDF are the following:

  • Manuscript Validation Codes (a unique code is required for each manuscript submission)
  • Paper & Page Limits
  • Combining Papers
  • IEEE Editorial and Publishing Policies
  • Refining the Use of English in Your Article
  • Plagiarism & Re-publication
  • IEEE Style Manual
  • Scope of the MT28 Conference

Payment of Fees

  • Fees for submitting an additional manuscript were included in advance while registering for MT28. Rejection of a manuscript after peer review does not imply any refund of any fees paid.
  • Fees for additional manuscript pages (€ 100 / per page) are due with acceptance of the paper. You will be contacted by the editorial staff with instructions on how to submit payment. Volunteer page charges (or over-length article fees) processed by IEEE are not the same as the mandatory additional page charges processed by MT28.
  • Open access can be arranged directly with IEEE but must be requested prior to the article being published. Open access processing charges must be paid to IEEE. Institutions that have a read-and-publish agreement should consult representatives who can advise about the use of pre-arranged open access allocations. Check here to see if your institution has an IEEE open access agreement.

Editorial Office / Contact Information

For any publication related questions, please contact Centennial Conferences via email at