Women in Fusion
MT28 LOC team is dedicated to promote diversity and inclusiveness in fusion, in particular regarding gender equity and the need for greater participation and recognition of women in the fusion field. Women in Fusion will organise several events at the MT28, which strongly supports its mission.

Women in Fusion Summary
Women in Fusion (WiF) is a global community, launched in July 2022, after a successful webinar at the Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2020) in May 2021. The main takeaway from the webinar was the need to create a global network for women working in all areas of fusion. Thereafter, WiF was born. The Steering Committee is a collaboration of representatives from various fusion organizations, including the IAEA, ITER, EUROfusion, General Atomics and Fusion for Energy.
WiF aims to inspire and support women in the fusion field through sharing experiences and creating a network for women to succeed, promoting contributions, and creating an evidence-based approach to influence policy that will lead to improvements in gender equity.
The Action Areas of WiF are:
- Promote gender equity within the fusion community
- Establish a friendly and productive work environment for everyone
- Acknowledge contributions made by women in all aspects of fusion
- Promote fusion as a clean source of energy in support of the fight against climate change
- Set up a Research Program
- Create a global platform for a meeting point for all women groups in fusion
WiF Session
This is a 90 minute session with contributions by 6 women magnet experts on various topics, each speaking for 15 minutes, followed by Q&A. Time and location in technical program.

Dr. Valentina CORATO
Project Leader, ENEA
Valentina Corato graduated in Physics and got her Ph.D at the University of Rome on applied superconductivity. Since 2007 she works at ENEA of Frascati on superconducting conductors and magnets for fusion (ITER, JT-60SA, DEMO). As Project Leader of the Magnet System Work Package of the European DEMO project she defines the strategy and coordinates design, analysis, and R&D activities of 12 European Research Unit. Valentina is author of more than 100 papers and presented more than 50 contributions at national and international conferences. She is the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee of EUCAS 2023.
Project Leader, ENEA
Topic: Development of HTS conductors for EU-DEMO central solenoid

Dr. Min LIAO
Section Leader, ITER Organization
Min holds a PhD in Nuclear Fusion Engineering. Having started the career in the technical center of Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), she has almost 20 years of working experience on Tokamaks working in support of the Chinese Fusion Strategy. Min contributed to the design and development of HL-2A tokamak physics database as well as the procurement of the coil system, has published dozens of scientific papers as well as authoring 2 patents. She won the outstanding young Scientist reward in the 8th Asia Plasma and Fusion Association , 2011. She joined ITER in 2016, and after extensive experience on quality issues in magnet procurement, Min is currently responsible for the ITER superconducting magnet system, covering the procurement and assembly of the superconducting and in-vessel magnet systems. Min Liao serves as the Section Leader for magnets at the @iterorg. In addition to her technical work at #ITER, Min is an advocate for gender equity in fusion.
Section Leader, ITER Organization
Topic: ITER magnet assembly experience and lessons learned for commissioning

Dr. Hyunjung LEE
Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
Since 2006 Hyunjung LEE has been working at the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy doing research in the superconducting field.
After his Ph. D in solid-state physics theory, he focussed on research on cryogenic properties of superconductors. He then joined the KSTAR ( Korea Superconductor Tokamak Advanced Research) project – then still under construction - where he was involved in thermo-hydraulic analysis of superconducting magnets, conductor design, and cryogenic system development.
Today Hyunjung LEE is acting as project manager for the superconducting conductor experiment facility under construction (~16T).
Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
Topic: Construction of superconducting conductor experiment facility for fusion reactor magnet

Dr. Yanlan HU
Section Leader, Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Science
Hu Yanlan, Professor in nuclear energy science and engineering, has been engaged in research and experiments on the quench detection and safety protection of superconducting magnets in large superconducting devices. She worked as project leader of the EAST Quench Detection System and also served in the CSMC (CS Model Coils) magnet test project of Chinese Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT).
Now she will focus on promoting the research and experimental work of the new quench detection technology of the superconducting system (especially high-temperature superconducting magnets) for the next generation of fully superconducting fusion devices, online insulation monitoring, etc.
She participated in Sino-French cooperation, Sino-Japanese exchange and cooperation, and today she is responsible for completing ITER's cooperation projects in the quench detection field.
She has published more than 40 SCI papers and presented the relevant results at important international conferences such as the high-level meeting in the field of superconducting research, including the MT meeting, the European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, and the Berkeley Working Group on Superconducting Magnet quench detection Technology in the United States.
Section Leader, Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Science
Topic: The recent progress of the CFETR of the central solenoid model (CSMC) program

Group Leader ASDEX Upgrade maintenance and upgrade – Max Planck Institute für Plasmaphysik – Germany
Irene Zammuto is a Nuclear Engineering and has been working in the field of nuclear fusion technology for almost 15 years. She is currently the group leader of ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) maintenance and upgrade for the Max Planck Institute für Plasmaphysik (IPP), managing the maintenance, upgrades and implementation of new components of the mid-size tokamak ASDEX Upgrade. For the time being the machine is in undergoing the biggest upgrade ever in AUG history, implementing in-vessel coils in the upper divertor.
Group Leader ASDEX Upgrade maintenance and upgrade – Max Planck Institute für Plasmaphysik – Germany
Topic: Status of the project: new upper divertor with coils in asdex upgrade

Dr. Kinga GÁL
Scientific advisor to the Programme Manager of the EUROfusion Consortium
Kinga Gál is a senior plasma physicist in nuclear fusion and an experienced international project manager. She gained her scientific expertise in Hungary, Germany and Sweden, while she developed her project management skills in United Kingdom and Germany.
She is presently the scientific advisor to the Programme Manager of the EUROfusion Consortium. Her responsibilities range from support of the community in all aspects of publishing to representing the Programme Manager at high level meetings.
Kinga holds a PhD in laser-plasma interaction from Univeristy of Szeged, Hungary and a Master Degree in Theoretical physics from Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is presently developing expertise in addressing gender issues in academia, especially regarding how to motivate fusioneers throughout their professional carriers.
Scientific advisor to the Programme Manager of the EUROfusion Consortium
Topic: Fusion and magnets in fusion
WiF Networking Lunch
WiF is hosting a networking lunch for everyone interested in knowing more about the aims of the WiF group, either as a member or an ally – everyone is welcome. A speaker from WiF will give a short introduction, followed by opportunities to network.
In order to join the networking lunch please make your reservation throw the registration portal.